The Next Superpower
The Bible has much to say about the future. Mark Finley, has studied and lectured on the Bible; he believes that we can understand biblical prophecy-if we let Scripture explain itself. The Bible often presents its views of the future in symbolic language, it also carefully defines those symbols. The author first takes us step by step through ancient prophecies that have already come to pass. He then establishes the way Bible writers have presented past prophecies and demonstrate their reliability and accuracy, guiding through prophecies whose fulfilment is yet to come. He also explains the important biblical teachings behind these future events. Many see prophecy as warning only of more terrible events. But biblical prophecy holds hope. It foretells of a superpower that will inaugurate a world in which death and disaster, sorrow and suffering, and tears and turmoil will vanish for ever. Prophecy brings us joy, not fear. It brings us hope, guaranteed by an all-powerful God.
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ISBN: 9780828019187Format: Hardback