Preparation for the End Time
The cosmic controversy on planet Earth takes place in the human mind. Just as it did in heaven. The fact that perfect angels and perfect Adam and Eve were victims of this battle proves that Satan’s deceptions had a powerful influence on perfect minds. How much more powerful then, these deceptions must be on imperfect, fallen minds.
Paul pointed to the ultimate focus of the mind in 1 Corinthians when he stated that by beholding Christ, we are continually changed into His image. Since preparation for heaven takes place in our minds, it is imperative that we fortify our minds with the study of God’s Word, as Paul admonished the church at Colossae, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you” Colossians 3:16. Any idea that questions the authenticity and authority of God’s Word is a tool in the arsenal of the enemy.
When Christ condescended to become human, two natures were joined together. Never before and never again will there be another Person like Jesus. As He spent time with His Father, He gained the victory over His human mind. Lavish love flowed through Him as He was nailed to the cross. Just as He exercised His free will in choosing to lay down His life for our salvation, we must exercise our free will to receive the gift of that salvation.
When the controversy is ended and earth as we know it is no more, the Cross will be an ever unfolding revelation of the depths of God’s unchanging love. Our only hope of being among the redeemed is to fix our gaze on Jesus. As the song so beautifully says,
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face;
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.
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ISBN: 20182COMPFormat: Paperback