NKJV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible (Floral Purple Leathersoft)


Packed with expert insight into the customs, culture, and literature of Bible times, the NKJV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible brings difficult passages of Scripture into sharp focus. Discover new dimensions of insight to even the most familiar Bible passages as you take a behind-the-scenes tour into the ancient world.

This NKJV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible is for readers who want to know more about what the stories and teachings of the Bible meant to its original authors and hearers.

The Bible was originally written to an ancient people removed from us by thousands of years and thousands of miles. The Scriptures include subtle culturally based nuances, undertones, and references to ancient events, literature and customs that were intuitively understood by those who first heard the Scriptures read. For us to hear the Scriptures as they did, we need a window into their world.

The NKJV Cultural Backgrounds Bible gives readers the insight they need to:

Discover new dimensions to even the most familiar passages as they are taken behind the scenes into the ancient world.
Find answers to puzzling passages by learning more about the context.
Enjoy quick access to the most comprehensive collection of research about Bible times ever assembled in a study Bible
Discover subtle nuances, idiosyncrasies, wordplays, and cultural references that we often miss but the original audience would have instinctively understood.


  • The full text of the NKJV
  • Targeted book introductions explain the context in which each book of the Bible was written
  • Insightful and informative verse-by-verse study notes reveal new dimensions of insight to even the most familiar passages
  • Key Old Testament (Hebrew) and New Testament terms are explained and expanded upon in two helpful reference features
  • Over 300 in-depth articles on key contextual topics
  • 375 full-colour photos, illustrations, and images from around the world
  • Dozens of charts, maps, and diagrams in vivid colour
  • Words of Jesus in red
  • Additional study Bible tools: cross references, a concordance, indexes and other helps

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ISBN: 9780310447108Format: