Never Alone
How to survive the tough stuff life throws at you
Never Alone is meant to strengthen faith in God. It shows how God intervenes in the lives of his faithful children. The writer is
trying to reveal to the his readers that there is a God in heaven who is interested in the welfare of his children. Even when they go through tough and rough times as Christians, God is always with his children. He protects and guides them. He is never taken by surprise by any eventuality because he is in control of the universe. Discouragements and disappointments may come in the life of any individual, but God will never ignore his faithful children. At the right time, he steps in to vindicate and protect his children. Never Alone gives us confidence to face any calamity or trial we may encounter in this life. It unveils God at work in human beings.
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ISBN: 9781904685401Format: Paperback