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Better than Forrest Gump. More real than Gomer Pyle. Meet Terry Johnsson.

“I stood in silence, looking at the flag-covered casket of our fortieth president, Ronald Reagan. I recalled that only a few years earlier I had stood in the same place as a presidential honor guard in the company of the vice president, congressmen, senators, and foreign dignitaries. I could not believe my life had already made a full circle. “As I pondered my presence amid such illustrious company, the irony of it struck me as never before. It seemed that only yesterday I was a little boy in the back of the classroom, wondering where God was, and thinking my second-grade life was over with because I could not read. “Since that time I have met every living president, and witnessed several inaugurations and two presidential funerals in the nation’s capital. Now, just credits away from receiving a doctoral degree, I sometimes think that I had not lived this life myself, I wouldn’t not believe it. “Perhaps you have wondered whether the power of God could work through someone like me, or maybe you know others in whom you see potential despite apparent weakness. My story is for them–and for you.” –Terry Johnsson

The thrilling story of an unlikely member of the President’s honor guard who proved that all things are possible with God.

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ISBN: 9780828018791