A Person With Special Needs in a Christian Community
Josef Slowík addresses the topic of different physical and intellectual disabilities and disadvantages, within church environments and communities.
Josef Slowík, Ph.D., is a special education teacher currently working as an assistant professor (Faculty of Education) at the university of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic. His research is focussed on education, personal development and the social integration and inclusion of people with special needs. He also works as a counsellor and supervisor in social services. He is an active Christian. Josef Slowík authored several books such as Special Education (Speciální pedagogika, Grada, 2007 & 2016) and Communication with People with Special Needs (Komunikace s lidmi s postiženíum, Portál, 2010). He and his wife have raised two daughters.
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ISBN: 9788071726456Format: Paperback